Forum is to highlight the extent of the threat by conducting an annual analysis of the limitations put on academics and scientists, and will debate new policies and laws aimed at safeguarding academic freedom in the EU
MEPs say the EU Chips joint undertaking should put more emphasis on R&D of next generation semiconductors – and they tell the European Commission not to divert Horizon Europe money to new initiatives like the Chips Act
Details revealed in leaked work programme for 2023 imply the European Commission expects there will be less money for the innovation funding agency in 2024, after the pandemic recovery fund runs out
The European Commission is to set up a monitoring system to track attempts to level up R&D capacity across the EU. That should point the way to improving the performance of these funding schemes – with the aim of making them redundant
The decision is part of the European Parliament’s final position on the 2023 budget. MEPs also vowed to block any attempt by the Commission to siphon off Horizon Europe money to fund the Chips Act or its secure satellite communications scheme
Additional ‘flexibility’ is needed in the multiannual budget to allow the EU to make targeted investments in new energy and defence technologies. There is a suggestion funding could be diverted from agriculture and cohesion and towards such ‘strategic autonomy’ projects
Two funding experts from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology travelled to Ukraine in a personal capacity to learn about the needs of the research system. Targeted aid would have an immediate impact in getting institutions in the west of the country back on their feet, they say
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