Fears that the EU will give up its involvement in health won’t go away. A big concern is that the next president of the Commission “might abolish” its responsibilities, says Austria’s director-general for health
CEU claims agreement with US college puts it in compliance with new law. But the government declines to confirm it can continue operating in Budapest. “This should be the source of enormous concern in Europe,” says CEU’s president
‘Keep collaborating,’ EU commissioner tells UK grantees rattled by legal uncertainties over Brexit, while UK science minister argues that government pledge to underwrite funding has steadied UK involvement in EU science
Public-private drug research programme has - as yet - only provided limited examples of how it is delivering on its goals, an independent evaluation concludes
The Commission has for the first time made clear the position of UK grantees after Brexit, in a sign the EU is laying the ground for the UK to leave without a deal
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