Maria da Graça Carvalho will stand on her record in the European Parliament, and is calling for more ambition on climate change. ‘I know research policy and how to solve problems,’ she tells Science|Business
In a final interview as European Patients Forum secretary general, Nicola Bedlington says the EU needs a ‘home for health’ in the European Commission, and patients should be at the centre of designing new health research initiatives
Rolf Tarrach, in a long-shot bid for the European Parliament, wants to transform the debate around science and evidence in Europe. ‘Society has got used to believing things that are wrong,’ he tells Science|Business
Lead candidate for the EU’s top job pledges to back a large-scale cancer research programme and introduce a ‘digital fair tax’ on internet companies to help workers displaced by automation
Some scientists want to call the whole thing off, while a minority want to leave: emotions are running high in universities ahead of UK’s strange EU election next month
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