
More scrutiny is needed of irreproducible science

The fact that original research cannot be replicated does not point to fraud, but it does waste resources and slow scientific progress, says Jim Smith of the UK Medical Research Council. He shares his ideas for tackling the problem with Science|Business
05 Nov 2015

Time not yet right to swap books for e-learning

Online learning has the potential to reshape education, but a lack of standards and an overwhelming number of apps makes it difficult to identify effective tools, says cognitive science researcher Björn Sjödén. Software developers need to up their game
29 Oct 2015

Why the UK should spend more on R&D

With a government spending review looming, the research lobby is out to make the case for protecting the R&D budget. Here, Hayaatun Sillem of the Royal Academy of Engineering argues an increase in public R&D will pull in more private investment
08 Oct 2015

How to fix Horizon 2020’s disheartening success rate

One of the best features of Horizon 2020 risks becoming its fatal flaw. Open-ended competitions have resulted in a flood of doomed applications, some 80 pages in length. Proposals should be shorter, and call topics tightened
24 Sep 2015