
More clarity needed on new EU science advice mechanism

The EU Commission is setting up a new science advice scheme. Before recruiting experts, it should specify the goals and methodology, says Martin Kowarsch, Head of Scientific Assessments, Ethics and Public Policy at Germany’s MCC climate change research institute
09 Jul 2015

Vote on copyright will not deliver on text and data mining

Europe needs a mandatory exception to let scientists mine publicly-funded research locked up in the online databases of academic content. The recent EU Parliamentary vote does not provide this, says Paul Ayris, Director of Library Services at University College London
25 Jun 2015

Patents can make or break drug discovery in Poland

There are several barriers holding back science-industry collaboration, but the most urgent one is the reluctance to protect intellectual property in advance of publishing research results, according to two of Poland’s leading patent attorneys

03 Jun 2015

Harness citizen science to protect the environment

More than 850,000 amateurs across the UK have contributed observations to a volunteer data collection programme at Imperial College London. Governments could capture such enthusiasm to promote environmental protection, says David Slawson of the Open Air Laboratories project
27 May 2015

Scientists can help put the brake on Brexit

There are great UK-EU science stories buried under all the one-sided anti-Brussels spin and now is the time to tell them, says Mike Galsworthy, researcher turned political activist

13 May 2015