
After a difficult start-up, EIT Digital is delivering the goods

Its parent organisation had a damning review from the European Court of Auditors in April, but Willem Jonker, CEO of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology’s digital cluster tells Science|Business the foundations are in place for future growth
20 Oct 2016

Hard Brexit is a dark scenario for research

To keep scientific talent flowing into the country, the British government must not make a complete break with the EU, says Carsten Welsch, head of physics at Liverpool University
06 Oct 2016

Why the EU needs to start spending on defence R&D

Amid condemnations from the US and falling national spending, a fresh initiative to maintain Europe's defence clout is vital, says Nick Witney of the European Council on Foreign Relations and adviser to the European Commission on defence research
22 Sep 2016

We need a clear view of the post-Brexit landscape

Japanese government memo calls for an end to the uncertainty and sets out requirements of Japanese companies if they are to remain invested in the UK. The demands include the UK continuing to have access to EU R&D funds
08 Sep 2016