The government withheld funding for a research institute after objecting to the views of one of its scholars. Researchers say this is an attempt ‘to intimidate scholars whose research might result in refutations of opinions held by some politicians’
Toomas Asser, recently appointed for a second term at the helm of the University of Tartu, has big plans for changing how knowledge is translated from lab to market
Science|Business is tracking various assessments of how Widening initiatives in Horizon Europe are matching up to their objectives with a view to understanding how they should evolve
Few EIC grants have gone directly to early-stage companies in Widening Countries, but now an EIC-backed accelerator is providing mentoring to help 32 start-ups from the region to shape their business plans and access private capital
This week we’re taking a close look at how the Polish government is withholding funding to a sociology research institute, and how research institutions in eastern Europe see the future of the “Widening excellence” programme in Horizon Europe.
We also have an interview with the rector of the University of Tartu on technology transfer and a deep-dive into Ventures Thrive, an EIC-backed accelerator that offers mentoring to start-ups in eastern Europe
The Research Data Alliance has been working for ten years to build a global infrastructure allowing researchers and innovators to openly share data. Its director Hilary Hanahoe tells Science|Business about plans for the future in a rapidly changing world
Platform ‘is not accessible anymore as of today, due to a contractual dispute’, the Commission announced on 2 June. Start-ups are happy to see the complex submission process go – but question closing it five days before a call deadline
Rising inflation, higher interest rates and a decoupling of ecosystems due to unstable geopolitics caused global investment in start-ups to plummet in the past year
Receive the Funding Newswire [full access requires a subscription] each Tuesday, our Policy Bulletin each Thursday, and news about bridging Europe’s east-west innovation gap twice a month in The Widening.
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