Scientists, economists and political advisers discuss problems with tests, how to use contact-tracing apps, and finding a convincing role for the EU to play as lockdown measures are lifted
In a written Q&A with Science|Business, the ex-president of the European Research Council gives his reasons for leaving the post after only three months
In February 2020, scientists, clinicians, patients and industry representatives met in Stockholm to discuss how governments, education systems, and new technologies can help treat and prevent mental health problems. The roundtable was the latest in the Science|Business Healthy Measures series.
Ursula von der Leyen promises reworked budget will provide forceful response to crisis, as she confirms fundraising event for vaccine research on May 4
The COVID-19 crisis has seen private investment in pre-market, high-risk start-ups dry up overnight. With no cash flow, they need support to stay afloat. The EIC Accelerator could be used to help them
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