Start-ups that were unable to pitch their projects for a month after the €7B EU innovation fund shut down its submissions platform with no prior warning can now go ahead
Appointment of new research commissioner has been pushed into the autumn, with MEPs on the industry and culture committees not expected to organise a joint hearing until September at the earliest
EU research ministers are to focus on embedding science in key policy areas and on research cooperation in the Mediterranean and Latin America during Spain’s six-month stint leading the Council
France is short of business angels. Now, a new report is suggesting there should be UK-style tax breaks for private investors, in a bid to raise €3B and bridge the investment gap in advanced technology start-ups
Incoming research and education boss Iliana Ivanova will have long list of priorities to attend to, from fending off Horizon Europe budget cuts to shaping the next research framework
Increased checks on international research partnerships are having a chilling effect, with researchers deterred from involving scientists in China and a change in attitude to the work of scientists of Chinese descent in Canada
Challenge-driven programmes in cancer, climate change and smart cities are not working out as planned. To be successful they need to pull in outside funding, says new EU research head Marc Lemaître. A progress report is due out next week
Nodes in seven universities around the country will build bridges with materials science and life sciences companies that could benefit from advanced imaging facilities
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