The Directorate for Technology, Innovation and Partnerships, set up to create real world impact in the US, is very much open to global cooperation, its director tells Science|Business
From initially ‘reproducing the existing hierarchy’ researchers find the cross-border alliances are becoming increasingly inclusive of different institutions. Here’s why that’s important
Social sciences and humanities are indispensable to understanding and navigating large-scale transformations such as adjusting to climate change, or making the digital transition. These disciplines must be part of projects from the ground up
Six of the top 10 institutions in Widening countries to win funding from the research programme are Greek. The leading research centre says the secret to success is people and details
Strip away some of the risk attached to start-ups in Widening countries and the investment money should flow. Intermediaries such as incubators have an important role to play
The country has set out wide ranging reforms to promote commercialisation of high-quality research, but some think they do not go far enough to resolve deep-rooted problems
The EU biotech and biomanufacturing initiative due to be published later this month is an opportunity to take urgent and immediate action to support the scale up of the sector
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