In the global race to develop artificial intelligence, the US is leading in money, China in science – and Europe is lagging far behind, according to a new analysis by the OECD
The research minister is calling for a review of university collaborations with China. Science organisations point to a lack of regulations and warn over potential red lines
New plans to allocate at least 7% of a growing defence budget to R&D and military-related science would see spending rise significantly – but at the expense of civilian research
At a get-together in Paris, OECD ministers said a new ‘anticipatory’ approach is needed. Consumer neurotechnology, increasingly able to read minds, is seen as one of the biggest novel risks
Universities, companies cheer new budget plans for AI, scholarships, and research infrastructure – but ultimate cost of joining Horizon Europe not yet clear
On his trip to China, German chancellor Olaf Scholz visited Bosch’shydrogen drives plant. The facility illustrates there are still opportunities for German companies in future technologies in China
A project that built links between accelerators, incubators and start-ups in Europe and Africa shows the potential for benefit on both sides. A centre in Cape Town will now continue its work.
There’s concern the military technology alliance could exclude the EU from cutting-edge science. AUKUS is now looking to involve Canada, New Zealand and South Korea, potentially forming an alternative joint defence R&D initiative to the EU’s own framework programmes
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