As Portugual takes the EU helm, science minister Manuel Heitor outlines how EU programmes can boost research careers, promote a greener, fairer Europe, and speed pandemic recovery through a renewed European Research Area
Plan to revive the European Research Area comes at a delicate moment for EU R&D policy, as commission asks EU27 to boost national research spending the day after science ministers agreed to cut Horizon Europe budget
After pandemic delay, plans for a new-look ERA are due on 30 September. At same time, the European Commission will launch a Digital Education Action Plan and set out objectives for refreshing the European Education Area
Commission calls for feedback on its plan to promote coordination, quality and impact of national research systems. The aim is to revitalise ERA by providing it with ‘a new vision’
In an interview with Science|Business, Mariya Gabriel gives more details about her main priorities for revitalising the European Research Area and finally delivering on the vision of a single market for research
Mariya Gabriel says renewed effort to create the European Research Area will help bridge performance disparities. But national governments need to play their part
Most of the 43 items on the commission’s 2020 to-do list relate to the green deal and digital technologies, but there is a promise to breathe new life into the European Research Area
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