Power systems will have to change if we are to achieve the goals set out by the European Green Deal. But while innovation is a much-needed step to reach carbon neutrality, the right approach in the digitalisation strategy must be adopted with a central figure and a watchword in mind: end-users and interoperability
As the US rejoins the Paris agreement, Ernest J. Moniz, former US energy secretary, urges bigger budgets, broader ambitions for climate technologies. ‘We need to know which of these dogs can hunt by 2030’
Brexit put the brakes on investment for years, but champions of the tech say there is now a chance to make up ground. A new £130M research centre is on the way and plans for the first gigafactory are in hand
Attending international scientific conferences is the lifeblood of research. Now, grant funding bodies are introducing offsets to cut the carbon footprint and encourage use of greener modes of transport
Parliament welcomes the start of the first phase of the project to marry form and function with sustainability, but asks how the Commission plans to fund it
“We are preparing the post-COVID world. A place where generations meet, life is affordable, the planet is protected and style matches with sustainability,” says Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, launching first phase of the New European Bauhaus
With investment in clean energy innovation currently decreasing, EU member states are asked to align national recovery plans with the EU’s Strategic Energy Technology Plan
New proposal outlines how Horizon Europe-funded research will move nascent technologies like floating solar farms to commercial reality, and improve the systems for transferring offshore electricity to onshore grids
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