At a Science|Business event in Norway, students, technology experts and teachers debated the merits of new breeds of healthcare delivery. There are benefits, but digital health must be thoughtfully controlled and users properly trained
Vaccines are an effective public health measure, yet public distrust in immunisation is resulting in outbreaks of preventable diseases. IMI’s ADVANCE project worked to create an open system for monitoring vaccine coverage, benefits and risks in Europe.
In a final interview as European Patients Forum secretary general, Nicola Bedlington says the EU needs a ‘home for health’ in the European Commission, and patients should be at the centre of designing new health research initiatives
Armed with bear spray, microbiologist Naowarat ‘Ann’ Cheeptham is searching for hardy, less-studied bacteria that could play a role in stemming the antimicrobial resistance crisis
IMI's PRO-active project has developed patient-centred tools and approaches to help people with chronic obstructive respiratory disease (COPD) get more personalised treatments - a means to boost their activity levels, health and well-being.
Improvements in life expectancy are slowing down across Europe. An OECD-commissioned report attempts to unpick the reasons and calls for countries to step-up research and monitoring of mortality
European Court of Auditors says it will investigate whether EU attempts to tackle antibiotic resistance provide value for money, on same day that health and food agencies say the problem is getting worse
Novel therapies being developed by IMI-funded researchers could help to prevent and cure rheumatoid arthritis by tackling the autoimmune disease in the very early stages, before debilitating symptoms appear.
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