US companies are the biggest beneficiaries of the European Research Council

23 Jul 2024 | News

Study finds further evidence of the ‘European Paradox’ and the failure to translate excellent research towards the market

Photo credits: Varavin88 / BigStock

Companies in the US are the biggest commercial winners from the European Research Council (ERC), patenting far more products based on the science it funds than European companies or universities, according to a new study.

The findings, which the ERC says confirm its own internal research, are the latest to show Europe is not translating good basic science into real world innovation.

“In absolute terms […] US organisations, especially US companies, still lead in deriving the greatest benefits from ERC science,” concludes the study published in the journal Research Policy.

The ERC, founded in 2007, has a €16 billion budget in the period 2021-27, and aims to give academics some of the world’s most generous,…