NATO announces first investments from its €1B innovation fund

20 Jun 2024 | News

The fund has made eight investments in start-ups and venture capital funds, in areas including novel materials, AI and robotics

ARX Robotics’ unmanned ground systems, one of four start-ups to receive NATO Innovation Fund investment. Photo credits: ARX Robotics

NATO’s €1 billion deep tech venture capital fund has announced its first investments in four defence start-ups that are working in robotics, artificial intelligence and space.

Of the four companies, three are based in the UK and one in Germany. The size of individual investments was not disclosed, but initial investments can go up to €15 million, with more money in reserve for subsequent rounds.

The Nato Innovation Fund (NIF) also announced investments in four venture capital funds with a dual-use focus.

David van Weel, NATO’s assistant secretary general for innovation, hybrid and cyber, said the fund is starting to make a tangible difference in innovation ecosystems. “[It is] providing growth opportunities to the most…