The Ecosystem: UK trials advance market commitment for low carbon concrete

30 Jul 2024 | News

A contractual commitment to use low carbon concrete will help innovators demonstrate there is a demand and attract investors

Big Ben, London, United Kingdom. Photo credits: Split Shire / Flickr

An economic tool intended to remove bottlenecks in the deployment of low carbon technologies is being tested in the UK, with the aim of creating a market pull and giving start-ups and other innovators evidence of demand that they can put to potential investors.

“It’s a chicken and egg problem,” said Stafford Lloyd of Innovate UK, the UK government’s innovation agency, which is running the pilot project. “People on the demand side want the solutions, and people on the supply side can provide them, but it’s just not happening as quickly as we would like.”

This is an unusual project for Innovate UK, which usually focuses on supporting technology transfer and encouraging innovative…