The Ecosystem: European universities test out entrepreneurs in residence

16 Jul 2024 | News

Bringing entrepreneurs onto campus can inspire academic start-up founders and provide practical help in forming companies

Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), Atlas building, Eindhoven, Netherlands. Photo credits: Eindhoven University of Technology

Appointing entrepreneurs in residence is a common strategy used by universities in the US and UK to bring in business experience, with would-be academic start-up founders getting practical advice and inspiration, while institutions boost their in-house technology transfer capabilities.

This approach is far less common in mainland Europe, where even the leading technology universities are only just starting to experiment with such schemes.

Sjoerd Romme, professor of entrepreneurship and innovation at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), attributes this lag to institutional models which focus on education or education and research, without taking value creation into account. “That’s only now starting to change, and it will take some time before many of these universities start to open up,” he…