The Ecosystem: EIT pilots challenge-based accelerator for health start-ups

25 Jun 2024 | News

InnoStars Connect helps established companies freshen up their technology base while offering €10K to support start-ups

Photo credits: DevinQuotes / BigStock

The European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) has set up a new health accelerator programme built around challenges set by established companies.

A pilot of the programme is currently open to applications from start-ups and research groups to challenges set by two Italian companies, Chiesi Farmaceutici and Synlab Italia. The 10 projects selected will get €10,000 each to participate in the programme, with the possibility of pursuing projects further, if the two companies that set the challenges like the results.

The programme is run by EIT Health InnoStars, one of the eight geographical areas in EIT’s Health community. Its remit covers Hungary, Italy, Poland and…