CNRS dominates quantum computing publications in Europe

23 Jul 2024 | News

French research body leads in the number of papers from a single organisation, but Germany is the country with the most publications in the field

The Centre national de la recherche scientifique in Paris. Photo: Polymagou / Creative Commons

In the race to unlock the promise of quantum computing and spark a revolution in computer science, the French National Research Council (CNRS) has taken the lead in Europe when it comes to published papers, a Science|Business analysis of the Scopus database of peer reviewed literature shows.

CNRS has an attribution in 430 out of the 5,749 publications in quantum computing that feature a European organisation among the authors’ affiliations, followed by Oxford University at 229, Delft University of Technology on 171, ETH Zurich, 169, and the Italian Research Council with 160. There are three French research organisations and three UK universities in the top ten.

The most cited article over the past 14 years with a lead author from a European institution is ‘Quantum metrology with nonclassical states…