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Universities turn to the middlemen

Helping UK universities turn their ideas into business has turned into a business of its own – with four IP management companies quoted on London’s Alternative Investment Market.
15 Feb 2006

The keys to successful IP asset management

It is one thing to recognise the need to manage intellectual property like any other strategic resource. But it is quite another to install the systems and devise the processes for doing it.
15 Feb 2006

Going for growth

Everyone wants to encourage innovation. But, says Alain de Serres from the OECD, a survey of the world’s leading industrial countries shows they are going about it in different ways and with very different results.
15 Feb 2006

Last chance for European nanomedicine

Nanotechnology has the power to transform healthcare. But Europe will lose out to the United States unless it can mount a coherent approach to developing nanomedicine, says a new report.
01 Feb 2006