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Who can predict where the next Google or eBay will come from?

A group of researchers at Southampton University takes time off from deep thoughts about the future of information technology to see if they can work out how to spot the next "killer app". Not quite, but they have some thoughts on how to look out for great ideas that use the semantic web.
22 Feb 2006

The true heirs of Hewlett and Packard?

Agilent Labs reckons that it still supports "the values that have made Dave Packard and Bill Hewlett’s company a success". At least they have a stab at telling us what they do.
19 Feb 2006

Accession countries play VC catch-up

The climate for R&D-based start-ups in Central and Eastern Europe should be improving. But there’s still a way to go, writes Mary Lisbeth D’Amico.
15 Feb 2006

Going for growth

Everyone wants to encourage innovation. But, says Alain de Serres from the OECD, a survey of the world’s leading industrial countries shows they are going about it in different ways and with very different results.
15 Feb 2006

Danish give packaging an edible treat

Researchers in Denmark have invented a bioplastic material made from dairy products that could replace traditional polymer-based packaging. The technology is currently available for licensing.
15 Feb 2006

A good biotech business…out of Poland?

If you think it’s hard to do a biotech start up, try doing it in Poland. You’ll face international condescension, local incredulity and the mysteries of Polish law, says Charles Goldfinger.
15 Feb 2006