Europe's Eureka research programme will invest €33 million to fund 25 new collaborative R&D projects. The agreement was announced at a meeting in Eilat, under Israel's chairmanship of Eureka.
While the world financial crisis put the focus on innovation for economic growth, an emerging field aims to use innovation to solve social problems, at the same time providing a much-needed way to put a value on public investment in science
Eurolight, a new venture capital firm set up to specialise in photonics start-ups in Europe, outlined its investment plans as members of the industry gathered to discuss the state of play in this critical technology. Photonics has been singled out by the Commission as one of five fields central to future growth prospects
For the second year in a row, Germany was this week declared world leader in solar photovoltaics. The country has also led Europe in nurturing start-ups in other areas of cleantech. But now funding for new companies may be drying up.
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