Researchers are monitoring genetic traces of COVID-19 in wastewater to track the course of the pandemic, find hotspots and predict outbreaks. Now standard methods are needed for a global sewage epidemiology system
Research commissioner Mariya Gabriel tells a Science|Business online conference her team and commission services are working out exact details of how €13.5B from COVID-19 recovery fund is to be allocated within Horizon Europe
A flurry of cooperation projects has enabled Europe’s main life sciences research data infrastructure ELIXIR, to team up with EMBL’s bioinformatics institute and work together on building an EU health data space
The European Commission is optimistic about a political breakthrough during July summit as it moves forward with proposal to boost the 2021 R&D budget by 30%
Research on COVID-19 is increasing exponentially, but how can experts find it quickly? Utrecht researcher Rens van de Schoot looks to AI for the answer
Scientists based in the UK dominate Horizon 2020’s excellent science programme and make key collaborative links between institutes in Europe, study shows
Charities that invested £1.9B in biomedical R&D in 2019 warn it will be years before they recover from the effects of COVID-19, with the loss of a generation of young researchers
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