Five public-private research partnerships in digital technologies aim to reduce dependence on foreign products and instil ‘European values’ in areas such as artificial intelligence and robotics
Results announced as European Research Council fights for a bigger 2021 – 2027 budget to maintain its reputation as one of the world’s leading funders of bottom-up excellent science. Success rate in this call was only 7.7%
Shadow industrial strategy minister tells Science|Business she has doubts about proposed new funding agency and says it will be ‘a failure’ if UK doesn’t participate in future EU research programmes
Pierre Larrouturou wants member states to agree new financial transaction tax that he says would raise €50B per annum to boost EU budgets for health, research and climate programmes that are essential to pandemic recovery
German MEPs Sven Simon and Christian Doleschal want the commission to come up with a plan to pay researchers whose Marie Curie projects were affected by the pandemic. In parallel, scientists are voicing their concern that a shortage in EU funding could force them to choose career paths in the US or China
Parliament’s budget rapporteur goes on hunger strike to protest the council’s unwillingness to top up Horizon Europe and 14 other programmes, as negotiations go past the deadline set by German presidency
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