Research ministers tell the Commission to make sure any new initiatives that involve taking money from Horizon Europe are first subject to political discussions within the EU’s formal decision-making process
As hydrogen strategy hits a new milestone, International Energy Agency chief says Europe may be leading for now but recalls how China took over the market for solar panels and warns an early start won’t secure first place in the marathon to come
With association still not signed off, funding for successful applicants will be guaranteed by the UK. But this is a ‘short-term measure’ and 2020 contingency plans that were drawn up in case of a no-deal Brexit are now being refreshed for if there is no association agreement
Pact approved by the EU Council is intended as the political guide to creating a single market for research. But targets it sets are non-binding and implementation is left in the hands of national governments
Assessing the aftermath of COP26, science minister George Freeman says UK wants to cooperate with EU researchers and jointly address looming climate crisis
As the latest data underline the extent of the gender gap, leading figures debate what to do about the loss of talent this represents. A declaration backed by member states blames ‘outdated gender norms’ and ‘unfair hierarchies and power structures’
With the EU falling behind the US and China in the global innovation race, the forum aims to tackle bottlenecks and work on coherent innovation policies. But as US investors sweep up European assets, the critical gap is funding for scale-up
Boats that pilot themselves could help the dirty shipping industry cut carbon emissions and overcome labour shortages. But first, there are lots of rocks to avoid and storms to face
Research associations warn against using lump sum funding more broadly across the R&D programme. But Commission says the evidence is this one-size-fits-all route cuts red tape and reduces accounting errors
Reversing Trump-era isolationism, Washington announces new science collaborations with funding agencies in Bern and Ottawa – and upcoming meetings with Brazil, France, India, Japan and Korea
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