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The Quebec Research Funds support and promote excellence in research, and the training of the next generation of researchers. We provide innovative programmes that promote an intersectoral report approach to research, as well as the interactions between science and society.
The implementation of Bill 130 on July 1, 2011 signalled, among other things, the restructuring of Québec’s three existing research funding agencies. This action aims primarily to ensure strong management regarding the support and promotion of Québec research, thus improving Québec’s position on the world map of science; foster and increase synergies and partnerships between the various research sectors; and provide a common banner to increase local and international visibility of public research. Henceforth grouped together under the name “Fonds de recherche du Québec”, the three research funds (Nature and technologies, Health, Society and culture) nevertheless conserve their mandate to promote and financially support research, knowledge dissemination and researcher training in Québec.