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Karolinska Institutet: Insulin-secreting cells report on insulin resistance

Diabetes researchers at Karolinska Institutet have developed a novel technique that makes it possible to monitor insulin resistance in a non-invasive manner over time in mice. The new method, presented in the journal Scientific Reports, can be used to assess insulin resistance during progression and intervention of metabolic diseases.
25 Feb 2016

ETH Zurich: "Swiss army knife" molecule

Scientists at ETH Zurich and an ETH spin-off have developed a novel polymer for coating materials, in order to prevent biofilms from forming on their surfaces. Thanks to the technological platform developed, it is now possible to coat durably a variety of different materials using the same polymeric molecule. Such coatings are of relevance for medical applications, among others.
18 Feb 2016

University of Bologna: A “cosmic scale” unmasks thin-looking fat stars

A team of researchers of the Bologna University has proposed a “cosmic scale” able to unmask these elusive thin-looking fat stars. A few heavy stars generated by stellar interactions are hidden in the core of ancient stellar systems made of millions lighter stars, with masses lower than that of our Sun.
09 Feb 2016