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Smart robots – more than the sum of their parts

The development of computer vision, machine learning and robotics has come a long way but there remains a lot of work to merge the technologies into a functioning integrated system to give us truly smart robots
27 Apr 2016

Solar panel produces hydrogen gas at KU Leuven

A team of bioscience engineers is experimenting with a miniature solar panel that produces hydrogen gas, thus supplying both electricity and fuel. Hydrogen gas can also reduce CO2 on a large scale and convert it into useful substances
21 Apr 2016

New board proposed for Karolinska Institutet

The government has now received proposals for the members of the KI University Board (konsistoriet) whom it is to appoint. The proposals were submitted by the nomination committee, comprising County Governor Christ Heister, former University Chancellor Lars Haikola and a student representative.
06 Apr 2016

Researchers at ETH Zurich make artificial molecules

A new method allows scientists at ETH Zurich and IBM to fabricate artificial molecules out of different types of microspheres. The researchers would like to one day use such tiny objects in micro-robots, for photonics and basic biochemical research.
06 Apr 2016