Draft work programme outlines €1.1B in agri-food and environment calls

06 Feb 2025 |

Research into biodiversity loss, boosting sustainability and climate resilience of food systems tops 2025 priorities

Photo credits: Palle Knudsen / Unsplash

Two broad priorities for food, agriculture and environment research are set out in a draft 2025 work programme for Cluster 6 in Horizon Europe. The document, seen by Science|Business, has been leaked in advance of its official release, expected this spring.

The draft foresees €423.5 million being directed to calls for proposals in building sustainable and resilient farming systems, safeguarding ocean health and developing green communities.

Meanwhile, €410 million will go into calls for proposals in protecting and restoring biodiversity, boosting circularity and reducing pollution.

These two areas account for the bulk of the 2025 budget, which is set at €1.1 billion.

“The underlying paradigm of Cluster 6 is the need for a transformative change of the EU economy and society to reduce environmental degradation, halt and reverse the decline of biodiversity and better manage natural resources,” the document says. At the same time, there is a need to meet the EU’s climate objectives and ensure food and water security.

Key funding calls therefore focus on understanding the drivers of biodiversity loss and the role of ecosystems. The Commission also intends to fund research addressing environmental and health concerns over food systems, from farm to fork.

“This cluster deals with agriculture, forestry, aquaculture and fisheries, food and bio-based systems, which all directly depend on ecosystem services,” the draft goes on. “These sectors have profound environmental impacts and are also particularly affected by global environmental changes, while providing opportunities for economic and social sustainability in the context of Europe’s strategic autonomy.”

Elsewhere in the plan, researchers are asked to mobilise biotechnologies and digital tools to support circular business models and to find new ways to assess pollution from crops, aquatic litter and the food and drink industry.

Proposals will also be invited to look at the impacts of global warming, from ocean acidification to shifting climatic zones. Improving access to green housing in rural, coastal and urban communities is also flagged as a priority.

Finally, €119.9 million will be dedicated to projects on innovative digital and data-based solutions and agile governance models that aim to support the objectives of the European Green Deal and related policies.

Funding for this Cluster has steadily increased over the past five years, as the Commission seeks to speed up the continent’s transition to a low-carbon and, eventually, climate-neutral economy. 

It is also intended to contribute to achieving the 2025 target of spending 10% of the Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-27 on biodiversity.

We think it is important to maintain a public record of how Horizon Europe evolves in successive rounds of drafting between the Commission and member states. This is a political process that, so far, the Commission refuses to make transparent. To this end, Science|Business is making a full history of the drafting process publicly available in our Horizon Papers database. You can share other draft work programmes anonymously at [email protected].

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