Shrinking revenues from European Coal and Steel Community assets could leave the coal and steel research fund without money. MEPs back a proposal by the Commission to diversify the assets and raise more money
Member states have until the end of April to fine tune and adapt plans to fit with EU climate goals. But will bids to spend money on roads and gas pipelines support a green recovery?
As the US rejoins the Paris agreement, Ernest J. Moniz, former US energy secretary, urges bigger budgets, broader ambitions for climate technologies. ‘We need to know which of these dogs can hunt by 2030’
Countries accounting for 75% of global GDP aim for carbon neutrality by 2060, creating huge demand for clean technologies. Horizon Europe must support research and scale-up to ensure Europe can lead these markets
Attending international scientific conferences is the lifeblood of research. Now, grant funding bodies are introducing offsets to cut the carbon footprint and encourage use of greener modes of transport
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