Nuala Moran

ETH has record year for spin-offs in 2008

ETH Zurich is celebrating a record year for spin-offs, creating 23 companies in 2008. Six companies were established in computer science and six in communication technologies and services; four in bio-technology/pharmaceuticals; four in electrical and electronics engineering; two in medical devices, and one in micro- and nanotechnology.
07 Jan 2009

Suddenly it's all going right for stem cells

There could be no more graphic and endearing image of the potential that stem cell research has to replace damaged or diseased tissue - and treat the previously untreatable - than the picture of the smiling, happy and restored Claudia Castillo, after a windpipe transplant.
19 Nov 2008

The Future Delivery of Medicine: 2020

Technology holds inspiring potential. But can outdated healthcare systems unlock it? A conference at University College London sought – and found – some solutions.
06 Nov 2008

More money than sense

Cash-rich pharma is dropping any pretence they are buying cash-strapped biotech for access to innovative technology. What it wants is products. Let’s hope it doesn’t suffocate the feedstock of innovation in the process.
15 Oct 2008