Nuala Moran

Waiting for an ERA

R&D Commissioner Janez Potočnik is keen to see his country, Slovenia, advancing the European Research Area during its EU Presidency. But, asks Nuala Moran, is the necessary momentum there?
23 Apr 2008

Recipes for the cluster stew

The Commission is formulating its strategy on cluster development to boost innovation and maximise returns from structural funds and related budgets. But is there a policy recipe for a perfectly formed cluster?
23 Apr 2008

Stop the cybercriminals

The Internet has unleashed waves of innovation – from online banking to virtual drug discovery. But it has also spawned the rise of organised cybercrime.
16 Apr 2008

Liquidity? Go west…

UK biotech Phynova makes a business out of developing traditional medicines, but when it comes to raising money it is pioneering a new, low-cost route to American investors.
02 Apr 2008

Too young to fund?

Financing high-tech start-ups is not getting any easier, but a pioneering UK biotech may have an escape route
01 Apr 2008

Balance and biofuels

One moment environmental poster child, the next grim reaper. It’s time to draw breath and plan for the appropriate, sustainable use of biofuels, says Science|Business’s Nuala Moran.
19 Mar 2008