Excellence and impact will be the main criteria in evaluating proposals, but in case of a tie, gender balance in research groups will swing it. All institutions awarded grants must have published gender equality plans - and show they are implementing them
Chair of the Parliament research and industry committee calls on Commission to ignore legal niceties and get money from new research programme flowing as soon as possible. MEPs also want more effort to create synergies with other funding streams
Success in finding funding synergies between research and other EU programmes could be elusive. It depends on member states understanding the importance of investing in research and innovation
Official work programmes are not due until April, but drafts circulating online give researchers and industry chance to start formulating grant applications
An event on 2 February will mark the end of the lengthy negotiations and preparations for the next research programme. But with significant elements still to be settled, the funds won’t be flowing for a while
“We are preparing the post-COVID world. A place where generations meet, life is affordable, the planet is protected and style matches with sustainability,” says Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, launching first phase of the New European Bauhaus
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