With 74 members joining from across Europe, the alliance is due to start work on preparing the way for the entry into commercial service of hydrogen powered and electric aircraft
With weeks to go before the Commission publishes its legislative proposals, members of the parliament’s ITRE committee are divided over how to secure the future of Europe’s most research intensive sector
New “spin-in” calls are part of a broader effort to ensure civilian technologies developed under Horizon Europe can be taken up and applied by European Defence Fund projects
The ‘era of naivety is over’. Now Europe needs to pool resources with members states to boost Europe’s industry and maintain its independent access to space, EU Space meeting is told
Development of vaccines and therapeutics is highly risky and takes time. New models are needed to ensure we are prepared for fresh outbreaks of disease and emerging infections
US investors can make more money from European high-tech start-ups than they do at home. That points to the increasing maturity of EU innovation and should encourage risk-averse EU investors, says Mark Ferguson, chair of the European Innovation Council
After being sent back to the drawing board last year, the budget for the partnership has been cut from a proposed €1.4B - €2B to a miserly €150M. Despite a parallel reduction in its scope, companies say they will struggle to deliver
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