Despite the naysayers, more and more women are gaining success in the business of science. Our global investigation shows what it takes: good education, determination, a good employer, and some luck. Memo to government – Help them out.
Wendy A. Choi, is a partner with intellectual property law firm Woodcock Washburn, focuses on US and foreign patent prosecution, transactions and licensing.
A partner at Dewey Ballantine in the East Palo Alto office, Noemi "Nicky" Espinosa has more than 20 years of experience in intellectual property law for biotechnology and high technology clients.
A spin-out from the University of Southampton, UK, has a new “scintillation detector” that it says can help stop radiological threats at airports and elsewhere.
A spin-out from the University of Surrey, England, is developing a new process to make silicon emit light – potentially cutting the cost of optical components.
As the countries of the European Union struggle to meet their targets for R&D growth, they are looking at new tax breaks for entrepreneurs. Good news, or too little too late?
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