High performance computing now underpins top class science across all disciplines and is an essential tool for industry, shortening development cycles whilst at the same time improving the reliability and quality of products.
One in five adults in Europe has low literacy and numeracy skills, and even a university degree does not guarantee a high level of essential skills. Immediate action is required to bring our skills-set up to scratch, says the Commission
The traditional view holds that if a healthcare innovation provides any benefit - however small - it should be adopted. This approach is not sustainable, health economist Uwe Reinhardt told the European Health Forum at Bad Hofgastein, Austria
The Transatlantic Free Trade Agreement (TAFTA) currently under negotiation could have major effects on healthcare systems, according to speakers at the European Health Forum held in Bad Hofgastein, Austria.
A new study indicates that roughly 35 per cent of jobs in the EU rely on sectors that build their products and services around patents, trademarks and copyright
Europe’s education institutions need to catch up in the digital learning stakes. But this requires more than beaming online courses into classrooms and lecture halls
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