The sinking of Nokia prompted the innovation and technology agency Tekes to move its chips onto video-gaming. The sector now accounts for 10% of the country’s IT output
His robot can build ‘children’ without human command, but Luzius Brodbeck says it demonstrates that creating truly sophisticated robots is so difficult there is no need to worry about them taking over the world
A new report shows 42 companies raised almost €23M through crowdfunding in Europe in the past five years. Founders say it is a good means of raising quick cash, but not a replacement for angels or VCs
Scientists at Chalmers University of Technology have developed a new way to study nanoparticles one at a time, and have discovered that individual particles that may seem identical in fact can have very different properties. The results, which may prove to be important when developing new materials or applications such as hydrogen sensors for fuel cell cars, have been published in Nature Materials.
SciCom – Making Sense of Science and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences have decided to jointly facilitate 12 international science journalists from 12 countries to attend WSF 2015
All nations have a right to explore space but to date it’s been a privilege for rich countries. Now, satellites are becoming so cheap they are within the reach of start-ups and university students
Political leaders of Romania, Latvia and Bulgaria, the poor performers in Europe’s innovation stakes, have all made commitments to support research and innovation, but progress has been poor
Despite seeing her text on copyright reform watered down in a European Parliament vote in June, MEP Julia Reda tells Science|Business the case for data mining of published research is too strong for the EU to ignore
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