The EU funded project XCYCLE aims to develop technologies that will reduce traffic-related deaths among bicycle riders, and will increase cyclers’ safety on the road.
Clever intellectual property (IP) management and carefully designed government policies can help SMEs raise more finance, reducing the risk for banks and venture capital investors, according to new Science|Business reports
Brexit would cut research funding and undermine the UK’s standing in science. But more than the money, EU collaboration is needed to address global problems like climate change and ageing, says Cambridge vice chancellor Leszek Borysiewicz
King's College London is one of 10 universities that has been awarded funding from Research Councils UK (RCUK) as part of the new Public Engagement with Research Catalyst Seed Fund (CSF).
Research lobbyists gathered in Brussels to tell the European Commission what they like and what is niggling them about the €77B research programme to date
The London Project to Cure Blindness reported completion of the first procedure to implant a patch seeded with retinal cells derived from an embryo. The treatment is for macular degeneration, a leading cause of vision loss
This report explores the effectiveness of Finland’s high-growth entrepreneurship policy: whether or not this policy has helped mitigate money and skills gaps in the Finnish entrepreneurial ecosystem, thereby helping new firms grow.
In this report, we look at the big picture of IP management across the globe – and offer some case studies of small firms that have, in different ways, tackled their IP problems and won. With so much at stake, they couldn’t afford to fail.
One of the best features of Horizon 2020 risks becoming its fatal flaw. Open-ended competitions have resulted in a flood of doomed applications, some 80 pages in length. Proposals should be shorter, and call topics tightened
A new Science|Business analysis puts the spotlight on the most innovative clusters in Europe, uncovering what it takes to translate research from bench to bedside and highlighting the crucial need for policy support, innovation pull, and access to finance
Not content with helping his country throw off Soviet shackles and lay the ground for the tech revolution dubbed ‘E-stonia’, Jaak Aaviksoo is returning to school to help steer a new generation into doing it all over again
Data flows between Europe and US may be restricted following the judgement, with US tech giants being required to store all personal data belonging to Europeans on Europe-based servers
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