Tracking the development of the European Open Science Cloud - PROJECT COMPLETED

Science Cloud

In April 2016, the European Commission announced a bold new initiative to pull European science fully into the age of the “cloud”.  Its €6.7 billion European Open Science Cloud plan could change the future of research, cloud services and data technologies in Europe - affecting strategies for companies, universities and governments.

To track this important initiative, Science|Business, together with the Science|Business Network, is forming a platform for companies, universities and research infrastructure. The group will meet regularly in private and public to gain intelligence and facilitate dialogue in Brussels. For more information about how to get involved, contact David Pringle, Senior Adviser.




Going global: connecting the clouds

As the globalisation of research proceeds apace, the nascent European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) will need to be connected with similar initiatives elsewhere in the world. This paper explores how open science is developing around the world and the ramifications for EOSC and research in Europe.

Why Open Science is the Future (And how to make it happen)

A special report of the Science|Business Network

This report explores the case for open science, illustrated by use cases and case studies, spanning academia, start-ups and enterprises. It seeks to explain why public sector and private sector researchers should support open science by highlighting concrete examples of disciplinary breakthroughs that have been fuelled by the sharing of research data, tools and infrastructure.


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