Wars on Europe’s doorstep, tech espionage and illiberal governments are spurring the EU and national governments to rethink who should take the lead on academic freedom
A council of 12 research leaders will be set up to advise the French president as part of plans to put science ‘at the heart of decision-making’, while the roles of research institutes and universities will be redefined
In the face of competing demands, it is critically important that FP10 is not stretched thin but instead concentrates on what EU research programmes do best
As China fears mount, US, UK and Canadian science agencies discuss collaboration on security. Meanwhile, the US National Science Foundation lays the ground for a new security centre, and Republicans push for tighter controls over foreign research funding
As part of the AUKUS security pact, Australia wants to make dual use research collaborations with the US and UK seamless. But new legislation to achieve this goal could seriously hinder work with the EU, universities are warning
Some in Switzerland had feared the country might have to wait years to associate. But with the European Commission opening exploratory talks yesterday, there are now hopes for a deal next year
Three universities in Widening countries are under investigation, including the University of Zagreb, where a dean of faculty and 28 others were arrested on suspicion of fraud involving €1.7M of EU funds
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