Phages that kill bacteria are seen as a possible solution to the waning power of antibiotics. But research funding is lacking and existing routes to approval and commercialisation are not suitable for these therapies, say UK MPs
Trilogue negotiations are underway on the European Health Data Space, which will enable cross-border sharing of data, including for research. Standardisation will be key to the plan’s success
The independent advice panel is at the centre of a transparency row after its report on pharmaceutical innovation was withdrawn, prompting MEPs to challenge its leadership
It is promised as the most important update for more than twenty years, but tensions are high as MEPs struggle to reach a compromise over the EU’s proposed pharmaceutical reform
A new analysis shows the US, China, UK, India and Australia all publish more papers on this pressing global health threat than any EU member state. More investment in novel therapies is needed, the report says
The landmark pharmaceutical reforms will not be adopted in this mandate, and the opposing views of the two rapporteurs mean the final text may not be ready to hand over to the next parliament, the Science|Business Health innovation conference hears
There is growing pressure on EU policymakers to play a role in promoting the development of psychedelics as medicines. The pharmaceutical regulations reform is an opportunity to incentivise research say MEPs
The EDCTP partnership that sponsors clinical trials in Africa is a flagship of the EU’s health research effort. But as it reaches its 20 anniversary the pending pharmaceutical legislation and budget worries dog its future, warns Maria da Graça Carvalho MEP
Research commissioned by lobby group EFPIA shows Germany, Belgium and France will be among those hit hardest if the Commission’s proposals go ahead. In total, R&D would be cut by €2B per annum
The head of a biotech start-up tells how the war has upended his company and the wider Israeli ecosystem. The normal rules of capitalism have been relaxed, with rival start-ups and venture capitalists now helping each other out
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