Shadow industrial strategy minister tells Science|Business she has doubts about proposed new funding agency and says it will be ‘a failure’ if UK doesn’t participate in future EU research programmes
Pierre Larrouturou wants member states to agree new financial transaction tax that he says would raise €50B per annum to boost EU budgets for health, research and climate programmes that are essential to pandemic recovery
Cutting the health budget from €10B to €2B will leave little money for Europe’s Beating Cancer plan, claim MEPs. But health commissioner Stella Kyriakides says funding will come from a range of sources
As global warming threatens to undermine advances in human health, experts at the World Health Summit call for sustainable, carbon-neutral farming practices
The European Commission has put forward a calendar of policy initiatives for 2021, putting flesh on the proposal to set up a biomedical research modelled on the US Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority
US biomedical research body has seen its role grow during the pandemic but has found itself in dispute with the US president. ‘Trump was forced on BARDA, not the other way around’, says one observer
Scientists say rapidly improving ‘molecular microscope’ method will be an essential tool for detecting and intercepting disease earlier. The potential savings are huge.
The European Commission is to set up an equivalent to the US Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority BARDA, after coming under criticism for falling short in matching US support for COVID-19 vaccines development
The Innovative Health Initiative will see the scope of joint research between industry, academics and SMEs expand beyond pharmaceuticals, to include medical technology, biotech, digital health and vaccines
Head of Innovative Medicines Initiatives argues that the project’s technologies, knowledge and networks came together in the crisis. The successor programme must sustain these achievements and build on them
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