Narrative CVs become a community endeavour

14 Jan 2025 | News

Researchers are helping each other navigate the shift towards impact-oriented research assessment

Photo credits: tashatuvango / BigStock

CVs that replace metrics and timelines with a narrative description of a researcher’s achievements are becoming more common in applications for research funding. But the switch from traditional CVs can be a challenge, which is why a group of European science funders have set up a platform, PEP-CV, to guide researchers through the process.

This transition to narrative CVs is not just cosmetic. The goal is to change how researchers and evaluators think about careers, and about science itself, shifting priority towards a more holistic view of impact. Mentoring is a helpful tool in this process.

“With our initiative as mentors and mentees, we are not only educating researchers about how to write narrative CVs; it is more about shifting that mindset,” said Pooja Khurana, community manager at PEP-CV and the MCAA, which runs the platform.

PEP-CV was launched last year by…