How to join European Research Council projects from outside Europe

07 Jan 2025 | News

The ERC has deals with countries ranging from the United States to Brazil allowing short-term placements with research teams

Eystein Jansen, vice president of the ERC’s scientific board. Photo credits: European Union

The European Research Council (ERC), the EU’s leading basic science funder, is often described as the jewel in the crown of European science, due to its high prestige, fierce competitiveness, and reputation for attracting top minds. 

But like all crown jewels, it’s closely guarded. For most grants, applicants must already work in Europe, or relocate to the continent for at least half of their time. 

However, for academics outside of Europe, there are an increasing number of ways to join ERC research teams, for placements that typically last up to six months, a year, or encompass multiple shorter visits. 

The council has now struck deals with funding agencies in 13 countries: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, India, Japan, South Korea, Mexico, Singapore, South Africa, Thailand, and the US.

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