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Patents can make or break drug discovery in Poland

There are several barriers holding back science-industry collaboration, but the most urgent one is the reluctance to protect intellectual property in advance of publishing research results, according to two of Poland’s leading patent attorneys

03 Jun 2015

The SME instrument: tips & tricks for greater success

Since its 2014 launch the SME instrument has attracted applications from across Europe. But the quality is low, with only 12% passing the quality threshold. Bernd Reichert, head of unit at the Executive Agency for SMEs, offers tips for success
02 Jun 2015

Harness citizen science to protect the environment

More than 850,000 amateurs across the UK have contributed observations to a volunteer data collection programme at Imperial College London. Governments could capture such enthusiasm to promote environmental protection, says David Slawson of the Open Air Laboratories project
27 May 2015

Uber tries again in Germany

The taxi company bounces back after its latest set-back in Europe. Meanwhile, lawmakers in Brussels are exploring their options for regulating the service
21 May 2015

Juncker fund “pre-financing” investments announced

As the row over where the money for the European Fund for Strategic Investment is to come from rumbles on, the EIB announces loans for four renewable energy and strategic infrastructure projects, earmarking them for backing from the Juncker fund
21 May 2015