UPMC: Oceans 2015 Initiative: analysing the oceans' future and alerting decision makers attending the COP21

08 Jul 2015 | Network Updates
The ocean moderates global warming and the climate, but at the cost of a profound alteration of the chemical and physical functioning of its ecosystems and the services they provide to humanity.

Grouped together under the name "Oceans 2015 Initiative", twenty researchers worldwide, including CNRS, IDDRI and UPMC have published a paper in Science evaluating and comparing the risks of impacts on marine and coastal ecosystems and the goods and services they provide under two potential carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions pathways over this century. Jean-­‐Pierre Gattuso, Senior Scientist at the CNRS and lead author of the paper says, “The oceans have been minimally considered at previous climate negotiations; our study provides compelling arguments for a radical change at COP21.” 

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