What the FX is this all about?

08 Jun 2006 | News | Update from University of Warwick
These updates are republished press releases and communications from members of the Science|Business Network
Every business has to issue a press release one day. When they do so, they should remember that jargon does not help get the message across.

Forgive me for wandering into what might seem like alien territory for Science|Business, but communication can be as important as fund raising if you want to keep your business alive. Indeed, without decent communication fund raising is harder than it should be.
This mini rant comes to you because I have received an email message with the title "ClientKnowledge FX market outlook press release and report". There were two PDF files attached to this. Maybe they explain to me what FX means. But to force me to open these files to find out is a mistake.
Journalists receive hundreds of press releases these days. They can write about just a handful of them. So it is unwise to do anything that makes it easy to hit the delete button. Using jargon like "FX" is a sure trigger for that rapid finger motion.
This one seems to have come from a PR company, which raises another point. Listen to your PR advisors. If they don't pull you up on the jargon, then find someone who will.
We could go on for hours about PR – some of our best friends are in the business – but that would tax our staying power on a hot day let alone that of the reader.

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