Stakeholders from national bodies, social partners and industry met up this week to consider how best to implement the European Qualifications Framework.
The Joint Technology Initiative on fuel cells and hydrogen now has the go-ahead from the Commission, with the first call for proposals expected later in the year.
On current growth rates China will overtake the US to become the world’s largest patent filing jurisdiction by 2012, according to market analysts Evalueserve.
Four of the UK’s Research Councils have come together to invest £890,000 in new projects designed to rapidly build the expertise and capacity in the emerging field of synthetic biology.
A long-time Cinderella, the biotechnology sector in Italy now has a turnover of more than 10 billion euros. It may now be poised to make its mark internationally.
Enabling scientists to go to work in any country in the EU is one of the key planks of the European Research Area. Now member states must be persuaded.
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