Shared values and principles did not stop the US and Europe going down different paths in data protection legislation. There is a risk that despite moves to promote harmonisation the same thing will happen in AI
Following criticism of its role in indirectly funding Chinese research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the NIH is demanding foreign collaborators submit full data sets and lab notebooks every year. A red tape nightmare looms
A study of a no-strings-attached Danish research grant scheme shows that setting researchers free to explore their own ideas provides relief from the rat race and is good for science
A supply chain for cultivating meat from cells in bioreactors is emerging, as start-ups develop technologies that will make it easier and cheaper to scale up production
Although they can once again fully engage in the large-scale, cross sector projects, UK companies joining as the half-way point is reached may find it hard to become fully integrated – and doubts remain over funding
A new non-profit company is delivering fully characterised, lab-based paediatric tumour models for testing potential cancer therapies, thanks to the IMI ITCC-P4 project’s results.
The race is on to be the first to launch a satellite from a base in Europe, but private space start-ups are finding it hard to get the investment they need for lift off - and to build a competitive EU sector
Details of the association agreement show the UK may only get a refund due to low participation in Horizon if it rolls over into the FP10 successor programme, due to start in 2028. And there are pending negotiations on the terms on which the UK rejoins the Copernicus earth observation system
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